Harmony Dawn Retreat

HDRetreatHarmony Dawn is a physical manifestation of Andy James 34 years of mind-body wisdom and teaching experience, which includes Tai Chi Chuan, Mindfulness (Vipassana) meditation and Qigong. He is an internationally acclaimed teacher, healer and author, and the Founder of the Tai Chi & Meditation Centre. For more see Andy James.

Harmony Dawn is nestled into the picturesque, rolling Northumberland Hills, surrounded by 50 pristine, acres of meadows and forests without any noise or electrical buzz, since it is completely self-sufficient and off the power grid. Our country air boasts one of the highest oxygen levels in Ontario; scenic Rice Lake abuts our forests and since it is relatively shallow, offers swimming from Spring to Fall. HD is 90 minutes north-east of Toronto along the 401 (link) and is accessible from Ottawa, Montreal, Hamilton, Windsor, Muskoka and more.

Our country air boasts one of the highest oxygen levels in Ontario; scenic Rice Lake abuts our forests and since it is relatively shallow, offers swimming from Spring to Fall. HD is 90 minutes north-east of Toronto along the 401 and is accessible to Ottawa, Montreal, Hamilton, Windsor, Muskoka and more.

Harmony Dawn provides tranquil, nurturing, harmonious accommodation and highly acclaimed cuisine to compatible guest groups of between 10 and 22. We also conduct our own HD in-house workshops and retreats on meditation, Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong and Yin-Yang cuisine through which we try to help guests establish or consolidate their own mind-body health practice. We believe it is important to balance one’s internal and external environments since they are interconnected. We can provide specific instructional classes to guest groups or individuals if arranged in advance.